
Different Christmas Customs in Different Parts of the World

Christmas is not just turkey dinner and Santa Claus climbing the chimney, when the U.S. version Christmas swept the whole China, so let's take a look at other countries and how they doing in Christmas...

When we think of Christmas, we think of eating turkey, exchanging gifts, red-and-white-clad fat men climbing down chimneys, and 25 December. But that's not the case everywhere. Here are a few arbitrarily selected examples.

AUSTRALIA: Christmas Flavors on Summer Beach

Celebrated: 25 December

Father Christmas? Yes, but more prone to wearing sunglasses and fur-trimmed red shorts

Food: A vast roast turkey is not so appealing in 40°C heat, but some still go for it. Others serve it cold. Prawns are also popular.

Notes: A summer Yuletide feels a bit back-to-front for us Northern Hemisphere chauvinists, but Christmas Day on Bondi Beach is something to behold. Otherwise, it is much like a British or American Christmas – gifts, food, family, telly, booze and arguments all make their appearances.

ETHIOPIA:Very unique Christmas Food with its Own National Characteristics

Celebrated: 7 January

Gifts? No

Father Christmas? No

Food: Injera, a local sourdough pancake bread, with rich stews and meats. No turkeys.

Notes: The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church is closely related to the Coptic Church, and still uses the Julian calendar, rather than the Gregorian as followed in the West. Hence their Christmas – or “Ganna” - falling 13 days later. 12 days after Ganna, they celebrate Christ's birth in a three-day festival called Timkat.

AMERICA: Standard Christmas?

Celebrated: 25 December

Gifts? Yes

Father Christmas? Santa Claus, technically; while the British Father Christmas is related to Pere Noel(French Santa Claus), Santa Claus comes from the Dutch Sinterklaas(Dutch Santa Claus). They've become interchangeable over time, though.

Food: Lots of it, predictably. Ham or beef is more common than turkey, as the bird (native to the United States) is the traditional centrepiece at Thanksgiving, a month earlier, but there is a wide variety.

Notes: Turkeys, the red-and-white Santa Claus, and many of the modern “traditions” of British Christmas are directly taken from our cross-Atlantic cousins. Perhaps ironically, the pilgrims who colonised America tried to ban the celebration altogether in 17th-century Massachusetts.

BRITAIN: Christmas + Work + New Year = Holiday Sandwich

Celebrated: 25 December, obviously

Gifts? Yes

Father Christmas? Yes, although (see above) we have moved away from the green-cloaked “spirit of bonhomie” that Dickens would understand, to the red-and-white gift-bringer Santa Claus.

Food: Turkey! Lots of turkey. Although before the big American bird became commonplace over here, a goose was traditional (hence the carol saying “Christmas is coming, and the goose is getting fat”). Trimmings vary from household to household, although roast potatoes and Brussels sprouts are regular features, and the author of this piece would like to make it clear that Christmas dinner without bread sauce is just a warmed-up dead bird.

Notes: Christmas trees, carol singing, the Salvation Army, eating leftovers for a week, Boxing Day football, cold damp weather, the Queen's Speech, that infuriating bit between Christmas and New Year where you have to go back to work for three pointless days; it's British Christmas.

GERMANY: Gluttonous Feast

Celebrated: 25 December (although they also celebrate St Nicholas's Day on 6 December)

Gifts: Yes – in a shoe, candy for good children, twigs for bad, on St Nicholas's Day

Father Christmas? No, St Nicholas; although as with so many places, the British/American tradition has taken hold strongly through films and adverts, so the red-and-white image is common.

Food: Hearty fare, as you might expect. Christmas Eve in Germany is called “Dickbauch”, or “fat stomach”, as tradition has it that those who go to bed hungry that night are tormented by demons as they sleep, so the big meal is late that evening.

Notes: Christmas trees first arose in Germany, and go up on 23 December – not a day before. They are decorated with sweets. German Christmas markets, which go up from the end of November, are a famous tradition, selling various oddments, meats and treats.

FRANCE: Delicous Food on the Christmas Eve

Celebrated: 25 December

Gifts? Yes, although adults exchange them on New Years' Day

Father Christmas? Oui, mais en France il s'appel “Père Noël”. He visits on 6 December, bringing small gifts, and again on Christmas Eve.

Food: Reveillon, the big Christmas meal, is held late on Christmas Eve and carries on past midnight (hence the name, which roughly means“waking meal”). Goose or turkey is common, but the French being the French they also get some lobster and foie gras in there.

Notes: The Nativity is a big deal in France (although not as big as in Catalonia; see below) and every home will display a small scene somewhere.

RUSSIA: Santa Claus? Christmas Girl?

Celebrated: 7 January (the Russian Orthodox Church uses the Julian calendar)

Gifts? Yes

Father Christmas? Not exactly; the rather more stern-sounding Grandfather Frost (“Ded Moroz”) and his helper, Snegurochka, split the duties. The exact relationship between Snegurochka and Grandfather Frost is ill defined. Some say she is his granddaughter. Some say....well, never mind. St Nicholas is a famous figure too.

Food: Goose, fish and pork are all served, together with various bean and cabbage stews

Notes: During the Soviet period, Christmas was not a holiday in Russia. When we think of Christmas, we think of eating turkey, exchanging gifts, red-and-white-clad fat men climbing down chimneys, and 25 December. But that's not the case everywhere. Here are a few arbitrarily selected examples.

* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


The Best Christmas Gift for Men: Do not Let Him Accompany you During Shopping

Did you know that Christmas shopping is even worse for our health than we previously thought?

Perhaps it's the added stress this year - and the thought ofour credit cards being refused at the tills --- but, according to aninternet retail survey, the incidence of hypertension during thefestive shopping season is on the up.

Christmas shopping increased blood pressure to dangerous levels in 50 percent of shoppers. This can lead to hypertension, which can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney problems. Even low levels of hypertension are linked with migraines, panic attacks and osteoporosis. Heart rates increased by an average of 10 percent during Christmas shopping.

In the study of 16 men and 16 women, men had the worst spikes in heart rate during a 90-minute spree.

Samuel Thompson, 30 years old:" I had to buy five items and had an hour and a half to buy them. No fun no sweet--or so I thought."

"Normally, I know exactly what I want to get and do it as quick as possible. But in this test you were demand to make on-the-spot decisions, which makes it more stressful."

"Lack of time and the crowds were the biggest pressure points. I got frustrated by other people slowing me down by stopping to chat in the street. And I could feel myself sweating in queues. Everything took longer than planned."

Dr Turner's verdict:" Sam's heart rate was good at the start but it had almost doubled by the end. Combined with his hiked systolic blood pressure--up by nearly 15 per cent--it could put him in line for stroke. Systolic blood pressure relates to the pumping out of blood by the heart."

Men suffer twice as much as women, apparently, and are,therefore, in greater danger of dying on the High Street in the coming weeks.

Remember, a husband is for life and not just for Christmas.

* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


Unique Tips on Avoiding Thanksgiving Dinner Disasters

When prepare the sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner for your guests, haste makes waste is often inevitable, do not be panic! Here are some unique tips on avoid mistakes for you. Only just for your unsuspecting guests it is a bit ... ... In short, Happy Thanksgiving!

Don't panic and there's practically no Turkey day fiasco that can't be fixed. Really! You'll need: Aluminum foil, a sieve, flour or cornstarch, chicken broth, a casserole dish, cheese grater. Butter, cheese and cans of whipped cream or heavy cream for whipping. Optional: salt, soy sauce, fortified wine, port, or bourbon and chicken stock.

Tip 1.

Got to thaw your Turkey. Put it still wrapped in the sink tub and covered with cold water. Replace the water every half hour. It will take about thirty minutes per pound to thaw completely.

Advice: You did thaw the bird but forgot to put it in the oven in time for dinner? Simply cut it into pieces, rub them with oil, pan-fry until the skin is crisp and then bake them in 350 degrees for about an hour.

Tip 2.

Speed up a slow cooking bird by turning up the oven to 450 degrees but no higher. Cover with foil to avoid burning the skin. Uncover the bird ten minutes before taking it out of the oven.

Advice: Don't worry if you forgot to take giblet packet out of the turkey. Today's packaging as he proved: it won't harm the bird.

Tip 3.

Smooth the lumpy gravy by putting it into a sieve. They can too thin gravy by dissolving a teaspoon of cornstarch flour and to a few tablespoons of cold water, then slowly adding it into simmering gravy. Then thick gravy with some water or chicken broth.

Advice: Spice up bland gravy with salt, soy sauce, pepper, chicken stock and/or a dash of fortified wine port, or bourbon.

Are you be more easy to some extent? haha...Happy Thanksgiving!

* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


Happy ThanksGiving Day!

Happy ThanksGiving Day !

Today is the annual Thanksgiving Day, and conceives a thanksgiving heart oftentimes will make everyone in the world become more happy and more lucky (is that true? Yes!), so let thanksgiving for all we have owned today! and Krista here wish all of you Happy Thanksgiving Day and good sorts alaways well!

* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


Women's Hair Ornaments and Their Social Connotations in Old China (up)

Hair ornaments such as hair pins, hair clasps and crowns were everyday embellishments of women in old China. During the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing Dynasties (1644-1911), women's hair ornaments expressed traditional Chinese thought and culture in exquisite, sophisticated techniques.

The patterns, craftsmanship, materials and number of hair ornaments a woman wore signified her social rank. Feudal etiquette defined the style of hair ornaments women wore on formal occasions, such as weddings or court ceremonies.

The generic term for hairpins and hair clasps is chignon(in Chinese pronunciation ji). A one bar chignon keeps coiled hair in place, and a two bar chignon is a feature of the hairstyle itself. Before the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) both Chinese men and women wore their hair in a coiled bun with a chignon to keep it in place.

The fashionable designs and diverse patterns of these ornaments made them a favorite ornament with women of all social strata.

Fashioned in materials that included jade, gold, silver, ivory, bronze and carved wood, the style, materials and craftsmanship of these hair ornaments reflected both social status and Chinese ethnic culture.

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* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


Time-Honored Chinese Paper Cutting Art (II)

Chinese paper-cut work: Fu

Paper-cut is a type of cutting art, as well as the most popular folk art in China, paper-cut can give people visual space through feelings and artistic enjoyment, whose carrier can be paper, gold foil, bark, leaves, cloth, skin, leather and other sheet-like materials.

Chinese paper-cut work: Have a surplus every year

* History of Chinese pape-cut: The folk paper-cut handicraft in China has its own process of formation and development, the great invention of paper in China was finished in the Western Han Dynasty in the BC era (6th century BC), before this time there is no base for the production of paper-cut art, but at that time people applied with flake materials, and through carving techniques to make handicrafts, but these art forms has been popular before the invention of paper, namely at that time with techniques of carving, engraving, picking and cutting people were able to applied to cut patterns on gold foils, leather, silk fabric and even in leaves…

Chinese paper-cut work: Cattle

The earliest China's artwork of paper-cut are two anthocephalus flower paper-cuts, which were discovered by Chinese archaeologists in tombs of ancient north Astana near Gaochang ruins in China Xinjiang Turpan Basin in 1967, these two paper-cuts are both made of linen paper, and all are folded fete paper-cuts, and the discovery has provided practical evidence for the formation of Chinese paper-cut.

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Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

On August 15 according to the lunar calendar every year is the traditional mid-autumn festival in China, and the The Mid-Autumn Festival and the Chinese New Year, the Ching Ming Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival are known as the four big traditional festivals of Chinese Han nation. According to historical records, ancient emperors have ceremonies of worshipping the sun in spring and worshipping the moon in autumn, and the festival period of worshipping the moon is on August 15 according the lunar calendar,. which is just the time meet the mid time of the autumn, therefore it was called as “Mid-Autumn”, at the same time, owing to this festival is in August in Autumn, so it was also been called as “Autumn Festival”, "August Festival", "August Gathering," "Mid-Autumn Day";

At the same time, as there are faith of praying for reunion and related customs and activities, the Mid-Autumn Festival is also been called as “Union Day” and “Daughter’s Day”. And for the main activities in the Mid-Autumn Festival were carried on around the “Moon”, so it was been called as “Moon Day”, “Moon Eve”, “Moon Pursuing Festival” , “Moon Enjoying Day” and “Moon Worshipping Day”; In the Tang dynasty, the mid-autumn festival were also called as “Decorum Month”. With regard to the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival there are three types approximately: Origins from the worshipping of moon in ancient times, custom of dancing and looking for pal in the moonlight, religue of worshipping the gnome in autumn in ancient times.

As the Mid-Autumn Festival is coincides with the fruit harvest season, so fruits and melons were be used as sacrific food to the moon goodness that also were contained a few cultural connotations: Water melon symbolizes reunion, guava symbolizes grand-generativity, persimmon symbolizes auspicious, jujube symbolizes to have sons earlier, chestnut symbolizes offspring get married and start a career earlier and so on. At the same time, there are also taboos in the custom, such as sweet pears could not be used as sacrificed offerings to the moon goodness, for pear in Chinese pronunciation means separation, and implied disaster, which is oppose to the reunion meanings of the mid-autumn festival.

The climax of the Mid-Autumn Festival is on the night of August 15 according to the lunar calendar, the whole family gather together to have reunion dinners, which is called "round moon." If there are some relatives did not return home, their dinnerware should placed on the dinner table that to symbolize the family reunion. In the dinner cuisine, “August osmanthus duck”(a type of water boiled salted duck) is an essential dish, second is soybean cooked with young chicken, taro or ripe water chestnut cooked with braised pork in brown sauce.

From 2008, Mid-Autumn Festival is regulated as a National Holiday by the government, China attaches great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage, on May 20, 2006, the holiday was approved as the first batch of national grade intangible cultural heritage by the State Council.

Wish good persons all could have a peaceful life, wish you happy
Mid-Autumn Festival!

* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


Lacquer Ware – An Art Flower Blossoming in Traditional Chinese Culture I

Household utensils, handicrafts, artwork covering with paints and varnishes on the surface are commonly been known as "lacquer." Raw lacquer is a natural juice extracted from the lacquer tree, primarily made up of urushiol, laccase, tree resin and water. Use it as a type of paint, due to its resistance to moisture, high temperature, corrosion and other special functions, at the same time it can be prepared into a variety of color paint, shiny and radiant.

In China, people began to learn the special performance of paint from the Neolithic times and use it to make utensils. As go through the Shang and Zhou dynasties until the Ming and Qing dynasties, Chinese lacquer crafts developed continuously, and has reached to a very high level. Chinese Qiang Gilding and Describing Gilding lacquer crafts, has incurred great impacts in Japan and other countries. Lacquer ware is one of important inventions in fields of chemical techniques and industrial arts in China.

Lacquer ware has a long history in China, according to related records of some documents, lacquer were been used by people initially in the Xia and Yu's era as early as more than 4200 years ago, which become more developed in the Warring States Period. In the Han dynasty, lacquer ware were been applied with common household utensils, and become popular increasingly. In the Tang Dynasty the physical production of lacquer ware also had achieved a marked development. After the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasty, the methods of lacquer-making had developed into more than 20 kinds.

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* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


Happy Double-Seventh Day (Chinese Valentine's Day)!

Every year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month is a traditional Chinese festival of Han nation called the Double-Seventh Day, which is also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day. As the main participants of this festival is young girls, and the main activities of this holiday is begging for cleverness, therefore people call this day as "Qi Qiao Festival" , "Young Girls Day" or "Daughters Day".

The Double-Seventh Day is the most romantic festival in traditional Chinese festivals, over the past days it is also a most important holiday taken account by unmarried girls. On the night of this day, women will threading needles and bedding for cleverness, praying happiness, welfare and health, as well as worshiping the goodness of Seven Sisters, the ceremony is pious and solemn ceremony, flowers, fruits and needleworks will be displayed to the goodness, and each piece of furniture, utensils used on the ceremony is beautiful, cute and lovable.

Double-Seventh Day also known as "Star Date", famous Chinese poet Wang Bo in his poem "Double-Seventh Day Ode" referred the Double-Seventh Day with "Star Date", and pointed out that the two nights are the most nicely and the most sorrowful and affecting nights related to parentchild relationship and love through the year, maybe just because this point, later people called the auspicious day when a man married with a women as "Star Date".

In clear summer nights, stars shines in the sky, a vast expanse of white Milky Way just like an overbridge traversed across the north and south, at the east and west coasts of the Milky Way, there is a shining star on each side, with the river between them, they gazed and desired at each other, opposite to each other distantly, that is the Altair and Vega.

Sitting and watching the Altair and Vega on the Double-Seventh Day, is a folk customs in China. According to legend, on this evening every year is the special date time permitted for the Cowboy and the Vega who was living in the heaven. Vega is a beautiful, smart and dexterous fairy, so on this night earthly women would beg for wisdom and cleverness to her, as well as a happy marriage, so the Double Seventh Day is also known as "Qi Qiao Festival".

It was taken as a legend that on the night of the Double Seventh Day, you can look up and see the meeting of Cowboy and Vega, and listened their lovingly words in the dating under fruit shelves.¡¡

In this night full of rich romantic air, girls will place seasonal fruits and melons, and worshiping to bright moon in the sky piously, and begging to the fairy endowing them with smart hearts and dexterous hands, so that they could become more deft on the needlework techniques, yet begging for a happy future and marriage. Over the past days, to each woman the marriage is the most significant opportunity which will decide whether they could achieve a lifetime happiness or not, so, at dead of night, there will be countless young men and women who would to worship the stary sky and begging for a happy future and marriage.

Wish You all shall be well, and Jack shall have Jill!

Happy Happy Double-Seventh Day!

* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China

Special Props of the Doll's Festival in Japan

Cavin: Have you ever been to Japan?

Kathy: Yeah, it impressed me a lot , especially their traditional culture.

Cavin: That makes two of us. The Janpanese always attach weight to their traditional culture.

Kathy: Doll’s Festival is interesting, I think.

Cavin: Doll’s Festival is on 3rd, March.

Kathy: Girls dress up in their glorious clothes, and the dolls are showed up.

Cavin: The dolls symbolize that children may keep out of disasters and bad lucks,growing up happily.

Kathy:Maybe a kind of blessings.

Cavin:The dolls are taken up when the festival passed.

Kathy: My friends in Janpan also gave me one, so lovely.

* About the Japanese Doll's Festival

The Doll's Festival in Japanese is called "Hina Matsuri", this fun holiday is more commonly known as Girls Day and is celebrated every March 3rd.

Girls throughout Japan display their doll collections for a few days to celebrate "Hina Matsuri." One legend says if a girl displays her dolls for more than 3 days she will marry later in life.

In the weeks before Hina Matsuri you will begin to see displays of dolls in stores all over Okinawa. You'll see small and large displays exhibited with tiny furniture and other items. The dolls, called hina ningyo, vary in size and price. They are exhibited on one-, five- or seven-tiered display stands.

Traditionally, two dolls representing the emperor and empress are positioned on the top level of the display stand which is draped in red cloth. These dolls are called Dairi-sama. They are attired in the traditional court costumes of ancient Japan. Around them are small pieces of furniture representing items found in the ancient imperial palace. Members of the royal entourage are arranged on the lower levels of the large stands.

* Words of the editor:
Now, do you know what's the special prop of the doll's festival in Japan? is hat interesting a lot? hehe, wish you have a good day!

* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


Wish All Mothers Happy in the Coming Mother's Day

As a holiday thanks for the mothers, the Mother's Day was first appeared in ancient Greece, the date is on annual January 8, while in the United States, Canada and some other countries, it is on the second Sunday in May each year, while in some other countries, the date of Mother's Day is also different. On such a special day Mothers will received gifts usually.

Generally, people considered carnations as a special flower that suited for devoted to mothers, and in China, the mother's flower is Hemerocallis, which also known as Wang-You-Cao.

The Mother's Day is popular firstly in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions, and then been accepted in the mainland later. Expensive jewelry, carnations flowers that represents motherly love, love desserts made specially, exquisite handmade greeting cards and so on, all have become popular
mother's day gifts that used to presents love to mothers…

As of 80s, 20th century, Mother's Day in Mainland China is gradually accepted by the people widely, and since 1988, there are some cities such as Guangzhou in southern China and some other cities started to organize celebration activities for Mother's Day, one of important parts of which is to judged the "good mother". At the end of the 20th century, this holiday was spread increasingly in many areas in mainland China. Today, on the second Sunday in May each year, together with people in other countries in the world, the Chinese people are accustomed to express love and thanks to mothers…

Of course, Mother's Day in China has more Chinese flavor, Chinese people used their special way to express their deep love and thanks to mothers. On the Mother's Day annually, people will give away fresh flowers, sweet cakes and hand-prepared meals and so on to mothers, children used to dutiful from their childhood will try to prepared dinners for mother, as well as washing face, make up and painting pictures for mother, and try best to give their mothers a happy and joyful holiday…

Aside from expressing love to mothers on this day, people will also do charitable donations and volunteer services, via which and other type of actions to express love and thanks to more mothers in the society…

On this day of Mother's Day, Chinese mothers will held cooking competitions, fashion shows as well as other type of activities such as mothers tourism, "excellent mothers" selection and so on in different areas, thus to celebrate their own festival.

Respect for mother, the Mother's Day to promote mother's love, has become a conventional festival in China.

* * Original address of this China gift post:
China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


Beautiful and Charming Idol of Millions Girls - Barbie

Beautiful and Charming Idol of Millions Girls - Barbie

Barbie is a fashion doll manufactured by Mattel, Inc. and launched in March 1959. Barbie's inventor based the doll's hourglass figure on Bild Lilli, a German doll that in turn was based on a foul-mouthed, promiscuous newspaper cartoon character. American businesswoman Ruth Handler (1916-2002) is credited with the creation of the doll using a German doll called Bild Lilli as her inspiration.

To possess of a Barbie doll maybe is a dream of most of girls in their childhood, whose changing brand clothing and handsome boyfriend has lead the women's grandiose style for many years, some people scoff at that this and said Barbie is a tool aid for women to go to the bad, while someone love Barbie much, and they believed that Barbie doll has given all ordinary women some dreams…

Barbie always been known throughout the world with her perfect size, broad smiles and "rich experience". As of 42 years, in spite of her physical appearance, races, colors, hairstyles, languages and even apparels have gone through various changes, but her healthy and upward image has always been the same, first, last, and all the time.

Ruth Handler, original mother of Barbie had said in her autobiography: "The original ideal I created Barbie is, through the birth of such a toy, all the girls are able to aware of that their dream to become a person of any kind they crave for could come true. Barbie doll represents women have rights to choose that same as men ... ... Barbie doll is not only a doll, she is more than a toy, she has become an important part of female consumers’ daily life, I am pleased about it".

Full Name: Barbie • Millicent • Roberts
Birthday: March 9, 1959
Star Tray: Sun Pisces + Moon Pisces + Mercury Aries + Venus Aries + Mars Gemini Height: 28cm; Measurements: 38, 28. 34

* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


Time-Honored Chinese Paper Cutting Art (I)

Paper-cutting, also known as cut paper, paper-cut for window decoration, or picture cutting, the difference between which is some with scissors, some with knife, and some with chisels, although the tools are different, but the created art works are basically same, and people call it paper-cutting collectively.

Chinese paper-cutting is one of the most popular traditional decorative art styles in China, has a long history. For its material is easy to get and low-cost, the finished work of which can be seen immediately. and to be adapted widely, as well as varied styles & common and lively images, the Chinese paper-cutting is welcomed by most of people in China, more because it is a handwork job that most suitable for rural women to do in spare time, it not only could used as for practical objects, but also to beautify the living. Paper-cut can be seen all over the country, and even has formed different art styles in different areas.

Paper-cutting not only has represented masses’ aesthetic interest, but also indicated the nation's social deep psychology, it is one of the most Chinese featured folk art styles, in particular its design features is worth studying.

As a manifestation of the Chinese origin philosophy, the expression forms of Folk paper-cutting performed comprehensive, as well as conveys beauty and good fortune, at the same time, with its own special expression language, the folk paper-cutting conveyed the connotations and essence of traditional culture.

On May 20, 2006, the paper cutting art was admitted by the State Council to list in the first batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage Directory. On June 8, 2007, Shanghai Li Shoubai Paper-Cut Masters Studio achieved the first cultural heritage gold prize awarded by the National Ministry of Culture.

Paper cutting can be divided into single color paper-cut and combined color paper-cut from color, and paper-cut that been cut by a single color paper called single color paper-cut, it just like the single-color wood carving in carving pictures, it is the most usual form, this type or paper-cut works seemed very simple and style in good taste, while the combined-color paper-cut are works cut from papers in different colors, this type of form are unusual, and this type of art works looked very vivid and lively.

* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


Easter Day Foods & Decorations

Color eggs and rabbits are all symbols and typical decorations for Easter, and Traditional Easter food mainly are lamb and ham.

Easter Rabbit (Bunny rabbit): According to legends in olde Europe, the hare is an animal whose eyes not closed all day long, they can watched around other animals in the night, therefore, hare on behalf of the clear and bright moon in the night. In addition, the Easter dates are calculated based on date of full moon in spring, so people take the hare with strong fertility as a symbol of Easter. And when this custom was introduced into the United States, Americans given a cute name to the rabbits, call it Easter Bunny Rabbit!

During Easter, various candy stores in the United States will take out Easter rabbits and color eggs made of chocolate to sale, the size of Easter egg are almost same as that of ordinary eggs, but among them the biggest one will as large as a sweet melon, and children all eat them with relish, and it is also a great Easter gift for your relatives and friends…

Easter Eggs: Since the twelfth century, people in many European countries began the practice that giving away Easter eggs to each other. Egg, a symbol of new life, and as hard as shell is, but it can not restrain the breeding of new life.

Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross for bearing our sins, and been buried in a grave, but the grave can not bar him up, he resurrected just three days later, and make people who believed him to get a new life. Since that, eggs become a most usual symbol for Easter, for eggs means the coming of spring and new borns, and represents Jesus Christ resurrected from death and come out from the stone tomb.

Easter Flower Lily: Lily stands for holiness and purity, people are enjoyed with lilies which will in full bloom in Spring and just around Easter, and prefer to take it to represent Jesus Christ’s sanctity. And as shaped in a trumpet, lily is also seemed as if it just to address the good news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


Easter Customs I Know

Once the Christmas Day past, and Easter chocolate eggs were appeared in the candy stores soon, among them those small and simple eggs are cheap, children can afford to buy with their own pocket money.

During this time, there are two types of color eggs in the market, the small one called fondant bar, whose length are generally a little more than an inch long, and the eggs' outside are coved with a thin layer of chocolate, and inside are soft and sweet doughs, and packed into various of forms with color silver foils.

Another type of Easter eggs are empty eggs, whose size is slightly larger, and generally a little larger than a duck egg, and nothing inside, and the egg just wrapped with a chocolate shell, you should only smash the shell and eating chocolate chips.

As Easter is approaching more, those candy shops will take out more beautiful eggs and displayed them fully in their store windows, as well as various of small gifts for sale to attract children, such as soft plush chickens made of wool, and the chicken’s nibs and feet are sticked to cards, and lucky children maybe get several such kind of Easter Gifts from their relatives and friends…

The Easter Egg is a symbol that could bring happy to people --- That is true! These eggs are beautifully, cute and decorative much, they represents for people's good aspirations, and like to share the joys of the season change with you.

In the past, a grand Easter religious parade will be held generally in most Western countries, and the marchers will wearing robes, carrying a cross, and walking forward barefoot. They dressed up as historical figures of Christianity, singing carols to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

Today, the holiday parade has lost the original religion features, and is filled with festive joyful moods, as well as featured with strong civil characteristics and local colors.

In United States, in the parade procession you can see stilted clowns who wearing jeans, and lovely and cute cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse (Mickey).

In the UK, the parade mainly aimed to introduce the local history (history) and customs, the marchers will dressed up as a Scottish bagpipe band, as well as guardians of the Imperial Palace, and attracted a large number of tourists.

The arrival of Easter will also make people get off their old clothing and put on new clothes. In the past before the holiday Christians will go to the church to go for a baptism, and then put on their new gowns to celebrate the new life of Christ.

The custom of wearing new clothing has been continued to nowadays, because people believed that if they did not wear a new dress they will meet bad fortunes…

During the Easter, people are like to clean their houses thoroughly, and via this to denote the beginning of a new life…

* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


Various Gift Ideas for the April Fools Day

April Fools Day is a fun holiday for people of all ages. April Fools Day is a special holiday where one can get away with playing pranks and giving gag gifts to their friends and family. Here are some gift ideas intresting and funny that suited for everyone on your list...

If you are thinking about an April Fools day gift you will probbaly want to make sure that the person you have in mind is someone you know well. You do not want to be misunderstood with your April Fools Day gift giving efforts...just make sure you will not disturb the family or disrupt the office too much.

Gift Ideas for Mom and Dad on April Fools Day

A gift on April Fools Day for mom and dad might be some snore preventers for the loud snorer in your family. Maybe some dish soap is the sink always seems to be filled with dirty dishes. A new iron is a great gift on April Fools Day of the clothes are always wrinkled. Another gift idea for Mom and Dad on April Fools Day would be gift certificates to a restaurant that only the gift giver likes. Think fun and silly and sarcastic in your gift giving on April Fools Day.

Gift Ideas for Brothers and Sisters on April Fools Day

Good gifts for brothers and sisters to give are some gum or candies. If you want to be in the spirit of the day the candies and gum can have odd flavors and tastes which are only revealed after they have been eaten.

Gift Ideas for Women on April Fools Day

For your wife, girlfriend, your women friend or your grandmother, you may choose a funny T-shirts with sayings on them like, "Who are these kids and why are they calling me mom?", "Because I'm the Mom, That's Why", and "Mom Rules, Dad Obeys." Show the woman in your life how much they are appreciated on April Fools Day with these humorous t-shirts.

Another gift ideas for women on April Fools Day it to get your a personalized coffee mug as a gag gift for April Fools Day. This coffee mug is for both husbands and wives and for men it says, "According to my wife (insert wife's name) I am very happy" but there are also personalized coffee mugs for women and these include the "Mr. and Mrs. Coffee Mug Gift set", The "Yes Dear" coffee mug, and "It's Good to Be King/Queen" coffee mugs. I believe the "It's Good to be Queen" coffee mug will be a big hit with your wife or significant other on April Fools Day.

Gift Ideas for Men on April Fools Day

Giving a special April Fools Day gift to your boyfriend or husband mayber is a perfect chance to let your relationship shine. For the boyfreind or husband you could prepare some dish from non-edible matter. Give it a shape of cake or cookies and decorate it to look like real. Present it to the him and watch for his reaction when he tastes it, but remember that fake dish should not be made of harmful material.

Another gift ideas for men on April Fools Day for boyfreinds or husbands is giving them a pair of smelly socks with holes in them to replace the new ones, I guess your boy or husband also would get a laugh from an April Fools Day gift of deodorant to cover their body odors.

Gift Ideas for Children on April Fools Day

For kids your may use artificial toys and playing pranks with artificial toys like snakes, lizards are very common and they really create fear if you get to see them all of sudden. You can also put things like rubber ducks and snakes at places like refrigerator, shoe box, study table and see the fear it generates in a person.

Gift Ideas for Coworkers on April Fools Day

If you want to send out a April Fools Day gift to your coworks at the office, you should pay more attetion to be handled carefully so that your gift will not cause a big scene. The whoopi cushion may or may not be taking it too far. A gift like a fortune telling magic eight ball or a little device that sits on the desk and says something silly like "You are beautiful want to go on a date." every time you push the button. For the boss you might just play it safe and get some chocolates with sayings like "Whose the fool?" printed on them. These are available form most local candy stops.

April Fools Day gifts are a great way to show the people in your life how much you love them and appreciate their sense of humor. April Fools Day maybe the day when everyone tries to play a joke on each other to get the best laugh, but April Fools Day gifts are also very fashionable on this day of merriment.

April Fools Day is the one day a year when you get free license to give a gift which would be funny or lighthearted. Although a serious gift could be fine it is not really in spirit with the day. Think of something that is designed ot be a spoof or a gag gift more than anything else. There are a lots of online stores to buy a wonderful April Fools Day, and I wishyou have fun thinking about and choosing gifts for this April Fools Day and remember to always be in good taste and do not get anyone hurt.

* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


YuanMingYuan Cultural Relics --- Bronze Statues of Zodiac Animal Heads Appreciation III

Lately Concered News: A Chinese collector who 'bought' two bronze animal heads originally seized from Beijing's Summer Palace has refused to pay Christie's and admitted sabotaging the sale.

The sale of the heads, from the collection of the late fashion designer Yves St Laurent, aroused great anger in China, which demanded their return.

Despite calls from the Chinese government for the auction to be stopped, the two heads sold in Paris for 15.7 million euros (£13.9 million) each, to a telephone buyer who at the time remained anonymous.

Now a Chinese collector, Cai Mingchao, has said that he was the successful bidder for both animal heads but would now refuse to pay for them. He said his bid had been a "patriotic act".

Chinese Art Treasure --- Bronze Statue of Monkey Head

Name: Bronze Statue of Mobkey Head

Category: Bronze Ware

Birth Age: Years of the Qianlong Reign in Qing Dynasty

Original Ascription: One of Bronze Statues of Zodiac Animal Heads in front of Haiyan Hall of the Western Building at the Former Yuanmingyuan

Current Status: Be robbed in the Burning Accident of The Imperial Palace in 1860 and stored in France later, Now it is collected at Beijing Baoli Museum.

Chinese Art Treasure --- Bronze Statue of Cock Head

Name: Bronze Statue of Cock Head

Category: Bronze Ware

Birth Age: Years of the Qianlong Reign in Qing Dynasty

Original Ascription: One Bronze Statues of 12 Zodiac animal heads in front of Haiyan Hall of the Western Building at the Former Yuanmingyuan

Current Status: Be robbed in the Burning Accident of The Imperial Palace in 1860 and then flowed to abroad and has been missing ever since.

Chinese Art Treasure --- Bronze Statue of Dog Head

Name: Bronze Statue of Dog Head

Category: Bronze Ware

Birth Age: Years of the Qianlong Reign in Qing Dynasty

Original Ascription: One Bronze Statues of 12 Zodiac animal heads in front of Haiyan Hall of the Western Building at the Former Yuanmingyuan

Current Status: Be robbed in the Burning Accident of The Imperial Palace in 1860 and then flowed to abroad and has been missing ever since.

Chinese Art Treasure --- Bronze Statue of Boar Head

Name: Bronze Statue of Boar Head

Category: Bronze Ware

Birth Age: Years of the Qianlong Reign in Qing Dynasty

Original Ascription:

One of Bronze Statues of Zodiac Animal Heads in front of Haiyan Hall of the Western Building at the Former Yuanmingyuan

Current Status: Be robbed in the Burning Accident of The Imperial Palace in 1860 and stored in France later, Now it is collected at Beijing Baoli Museum.

* Successive events of French Christie's auction for Yuanmingyuan cultural relics of two bronze animal heads:

Two controversial ancient Chinese relics were auctioned off on Wednesday night for 14 million euros (17.92 million U.S. dollars) each by anonymous telephone bidders in Christie's sale of the collection of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge in the Grand Palace of Paris.

According to Christie's, they have received 8 phone calls for "enquiries" before the sale. After the auction was launched, the competition was only conducted between telephone bidders, with no one in the scene raised for a bid. Christie's refused to disclose who were the bidders at a press conference afterward.

The bronze sculptures, a rat's head and a rabbit's head, were looted by invading Anglo-French expedition army in the 19th century, when the invaders burned down the royal garden of Yuanmingyuan in Beijing.

Li Huan, a Chinese student in France told Xinhua that the two bronzes are news for the French, but history for the Chinese. Earlier this night, some Chinese students in France voluntarily went to the Grand Palace, distributing sheets introducing the history of Yuanmingyuan and the Second Opium War in 1860.

* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


YuanMingYuan Cultural Relics --- Bronze Statues of Zodiac Animal Heads Appreciation II

Chinese Art Treasure --- Bronze Statue of Dragon Head

Name: Bronze Statue of Dragon Head
Category: Bronze Ware

Birth Age: Years of the Qianlong Reign in Qing Dynasty

Original Ascription: One of Bronze Statues of Zodiac Animal Heads in front of Haiyan Hall of the Western Building at the Former Yuanmingyuan

Current Status: Be robbed in the Burning Accident of The Imperial Palace in 1860 and then flowed to abroad and has been missing ever since.

Brief: Bronze dragon head is one of the 12 big zodiac animal water fountains in former Yuanmingyuan, and was been robbed by Eight-Power Allied Forces and flowed to abroad ever since.

Chinese Art Treasure --- Bronze Statue of Snake Head

Name: Bronze Statue of Snake Head 

Category: Bronze Ware 

Birth Age: Years of the Qianlong Reign in Qing Dynasty 

Original Ascription: One Bronze Statues of 12 Zodiac animal heads in front of Haiyan Hall of the Western Building at the Former Yuanmingyuan 

Current Status: Be robbed in the Burning Accident of The Imperial Palace in 1860 and then flowed to abroad and has been missing ever since. 

Brief: Bronze snake head is one of the 12 big zodiac animal water fountains in former Yuanmingyuan, and was been robbed by Eight-Power Allied Forces and flowed to abroad ever since.

Chinese Art Treasure --- Bronze Statue of Horse Head

Name: Bronze Statue of Horse Head
Category: Bronze Ware
Birth Age: Years of the Qianlong Reign in Qing Dynasty

Original Ascription:

Bronze Statues in front of Haiyan Hall of the Western Building at the Former Yuanmingyuan
Current Status: Be robbed in the Burning Accident of The Imperial Palace in 1860 and stored in France later. In 2007 it was bought by Mr. He Hongshen and be contributed to the government of China, now it is collected at Beijing Baoli Museum.

Chinese Art Treasure --- Bronze Statue of Sheep Head

Name: Bronze Statue of Sheep Head
Category: Bronze Ware

Birth Age: Years of the Qianlong Reign in Qing Dynasty 

Original Ascription: Bronze Statues in front of Haiyan Hall of the Western Building at the Former Yuanmingyuan 

Current Status: Be robbed in the Burning Accident of The Imperial Palace in 1860 and then flowed to abroad and has been missing ever since. 

* Following events of French Christie's auction for Yuanmingyuan cultural relics of two bronze animal heads:

Mr. Luo Zhewen, the Honorary Chairman of Chinese Society for the Protection of Cultural Relics said: The person who buy these two animal heads is a big head in the pool
Honorary President of the Chinese Society for the Protection of Cultural Relics, leader of ancient architecture team of State Bureau of Cultural Relics Mr. Luo Zhewen estimated that no one will buy, it is a self-hype, Christie's despicable action, it not only has in violation of relevant international conventions, but also take the crime evidence to do transactions, and making huge profits with evil.

Original words of Mr. Luo are: "the 12 zodiac animal heads are only one part of numerous components of the large-scale building of Yuanmingyuan, they are no more than general decorative accessories, whose artistic value and economic value are not high, they are just sprinkler heads of big water fountains".

"They are evidences of the past crimes, who bought who cheated, and who is the big head in the pool, because Yuanmingyuan animal heads can hardly belong to national treasures, it is just ordinary building accessories, and whose true value is no more than a few hundred thousand dollars".

=== Brief Introduction of Luo Zhewen ===

Former student of famous ancient architect of Liang Sicheng and Liu Dunzhen, and had started to study Yuanmingyuan ruins as early as before more than half a century, he has engaged in the study of Chinese ancient landscape architecture for nearly 70 years, now he is already 86 years old, and has got very high respect and reputation in the industry of Chinese cultural relics.
(not finished to continue...)

* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China


D.C. Spring Antiques Show featuring Fine Art, Jewelry & Antiques

--- The Nations's Leading Producer of Art and Antique Shows in USA to Host Inaugural Event in Palm Beach Show Group announces plans for the D.C. Spring Antiques Show featuring Fine Art, Jewelry & Antiques

Time: March 6-9, 2009

Venue: Walter E. Washington Convention Center

Organizer: The Palm Beach Show Group

The Palm Beach Show Group, producer of two of the nation's top art, antique and jewelry shows, announced today the addition of the D.C. Spring Antiques Show to its 2009 show schedule. The new Washington, D.C. show will take place March 6 through 9, 2009 at the Walter E.Washington Convention Center and will feature more than 300 international exhibitors showcasing an extensive selection of fine art, jewelry, and antiques.

More than 300 exhibitors from countries such as England, France and Turkey are showcasing antiques for the D.C Spring Antiques Show, which runs Friday through Monday. Visitors can browse booths filled with jewelry, porcelain, furniture, fine art and political memorabilia on sale and priced to fit a range of budgets. Seven lectures cover Japanese Imari porcelain, American folk art, Georg Jensen Silver and more. The show is at the Walter Washington Convention Center. Show admission is $12. For more information, call 561-822-5440 or visit D.C. Spring Antiques.

This Saturday and Sunday is the D.C. Big Flea, the second of five D.C. Big Flea events this year.
The flea market fills two buildings at the Dulles Expo Center with modern and traditional antiques. New this year are two on-site repair experts, one specializing in silver and the other in glass, who can work on items while visitors shop. Admission is $10. For more information, call 757-430-4735 or visit Damore Promotions.

* Original address of this China gift post: China Gift and Fine Arts & Crafts in China